At 'the dairy cooperative of Pozzomaggiore', we always pay particular attention to the collection and processing of our milk, the perfect timing for the cheese seasoning and subsequently, the ethical marketing of our genuine products
The ingredients used in our cheese are the same as those used in the past: ovine milk, whey, rennet and salt but the whole manufacturing process has shifted towards a more modern but sustainable production techniques. The polyvalent machine has now replaced the old copper pot (locally named "sa labia" and the steam provides the necessary heat to the milk. The milk that arrives in our dairy, goes through particular analysis that verifies the suitability of its processing. Only then, the milk would be sent to the pasteurization phase and with the help of the polyvalent machine the presence of bacteria would be reduced. Once the milk is brought to the ideal processing temperature it's integrated with the serum-graft which brings the optimal bacterial flora (typically, every cheese contains it) and facilitates the subsequent phase of the cheese processing. The milk processing concludes with the procedure of automated salting and ageing inside the temperature and humidity controlled seasoning cells. The entire process allows for a much greater control of the finished product and ensures that high quality standards have been followed all throughout.